Video Conferencing: More than just an Eco-Friendly Solution

Video Conferencing: More than just an Eco-Friendly Solution

Summary: Installing video conferencing equipment saves on travel costs, but there are ecological savings too. In addition, companies can work smarter and make more money when they install video conferencing equipment.

There are many reasons why your company would want to install modern, high-quality video conferencing equipment in each of your conference rooms and in other key facilities, but have you considered how much more eco-friendly your company could be if it depended on more on video conferencing and less on travel?

There’s no doubt that video conferencing is a step up from a telephone conference call, but it’s also a step up in terms of ecological responsibility from travelling to a meeting that could have been effectively handled without going anywhere.

Once, some in business shunned videoconferencing. Today, the bias that some older executives had against video conferencing has disappeared as equipment has gotten better. Jerky movements, poor sound quality and frequent, unexplainable breakups are things of the past.

Reduce Travel And Save Resources

Perhaps it’s obvious that reducing the amount of travel your employees must endure saves money, but it also saves a company in so many other ways.

First, it saves time lost at the airport, on planes and in cars. It also saves on personal time that the employees lose when they’re forced to stay overnight in a strange city rather than returning to their families after their day of work.

The benefits of having video conferencing equipment installed and ready to use at a moment’s notice involve more than just savings, of course. Branches can also collaborate more frequently at a lesser expense, allowing for better communication among your employees.

And a client who also has video conferencing equipment can communicate with you the moment he or she detects an issue. There’s no travel delay and no need to requisition a rental car or train ticket from their accounting department.

Going Beyond Travel Savings

The savings go beyond the obvious, however.

In-person meetings require the use of lots of time, money and other resources to plan and pull off effectively. Unnecessary travel creates carbon emissions that could have been avoided, but an in-person meeting creates a world of paperwork, foam cups and paper plates that don’t have to be used if no one is going anywhere. Never mind the cost of providing meals, refreshments and other facilities for those who visit your company. All of that money and all of those resources create trash, pollution and waste.

That just isn’t a smart, ecologically friendly way to do business.

Even better, video conferences can be recorded, so absent employees can review the tape when they return, almost allowing them to be in two places at once. The recording also means that fewer people can attend a meeting in the first place because the tape can be shown to anyone who needs the information obtained in the meeting.

More importantly, those who don’t need the information don’t have to waste time sitting around in a meeting that turns out not to be of use to them.

Video conferencing for today’s modern workplace provides benefits, savings and opportunities beyond the obvious. With the right equipment installed in the right places, a company can become more productive and make more profit while saving money — and save the world too.