Digital Signage and Menu Boards

Investing in digital signage for restaurants is now a more modern approach to the time and money spent on paper menus and chalkboards. Digital menu boards provide the consumer with a whole new take on the food industry sector that captivates and creates excitement.

The typical takeout or restaurant consumer experience follows a familiar path of service ordering, return of goods and payment. Following a global pandemic shake up, our world has seen a much more digitized world come of it, with restaurants now spending more time and effort on stream lining service and enticing customers back to physical locations.

Video walls hosting restaurant branding, promotional deals and ambient display content can assist in creating brand excitement and encourage brand loyalty. Many companies are now investing in digital access to products via QR code scanning, where you are able to view websites, menu items and links to seasonal offerings. This again encourages a more paperless society, reducing carbon footprint and reducing overall annual company expenditure. Both restaurants and their customers have embraced the black and white barcodes and have now become standard feature in most consumer facing industries (e.g. hospitality, restaurants, fast food, travel, retail).

Benefits of Digital Signage & Menu Boards

With this trend firmly engraved in our modern world, let’s look at some of the numerous benefits of digital signage and menu boards.

1. Eco footprint, The paperless route

Paper advertising can be incredibly expensive annually and is difficult to update for small price changes and promotional events without considering an entire reprint. The constant papermaking also increases the global harm mark on the environment. When utilizing QR codes only the QR code needs to be printed and in the event of Digital signage, no printing is required, only a content loaded update from the cloud-based content management system.
This means recent changes made to price points and product items are always available regardless of how many modifications are made. Nearly 12 trees are saved per year due to the rise in digital advertising.

2. Cart bulking

Customers who order via digital platforms tend to spend more. Being more likely to opt for add-ons and extras when they order digitally. Additionally, they have also claimed to feel more relaxed and can take their time when browsing a digital menu or store items. This comfort results in bigger spending.

3. Instant updates

Going digital means you are able to log into your cloud-based CMS remotely and update content where ever you are and at any time. Prescheduling content is one way to assist in time saving and vitalise upcoming seasonal promotions or specials. The latest versions of menu boards and branded content are always readily available.

4. Know your facts

We live in a world where the consumer wants to know more about the source of products or what nutritional facts it may entail. Digital signage can provide more information for the customer that will make their overall experience more enjoyable, down to preparation time for fast food establishments. Example: Vegan restaurants or Eco-friendly retail shops requiring to show more product information to its consumers.

5. Consumer Data

Measuring the data given back by consumer purchases is essential in any successful business, digital interactions help brands understand their customers on a deeper level and aim the right marketing material to where it’s needed. It is imperative for business’s especially in the food industry to punt regular food pairings, popular special requests, favourite seasonal items or products to increase overall return of income and sales. These professional reported insights help brands make accurate and cultivated decisions that will keep them well ahead of competitors.

After exploring the main benefits of digital signage, it is also important to know how to utilise this powerful tool for your brand. A first impression is a lasting one and digital signage can have a powerful impact on how your customers view your brand in a non-invasive and efficient manner.

3 Ways to promote your business via digital signage and Menu Boards

Here are three ways that you can promote your business via digital signage and menu boards:

  1. Store Front Marketing
    Placing videowalls or digital screens at the front of your store can entice passers-by to not only enter your establishment but engage with the brand also, by buying product or engaging on social media.
  2. QR Code Advertising
    Social media is a great free tool to utilise when beginning marketing and increasing brand awareness. Your customers should be able to interact with your brand seamlessly with QR codes placed in and around your space, guaranteeing information is readily available to consumers.
  3. Digital Displays
    Digital displays within stores are essential in setting not only the mood of your environment but allowing quick decisions to be made by your customers. Example: Digital menu boards done correctly should allow your consumers to be able to view the entire menu and focus on current specials all at once to make easy choices based on their likes and dislikes. Saving your customer time and increasing overall consumer happiness.