Several different industries around the world are adapting to using video conferencing for their meetings allowing a better means of communication between co-workers, clients and prospective clients/customers.

For any person that’s new to video conferencing, at first it will seem very intimidating. Technology has become less complicated and easier to use, but without any experience how these products operate, one can get lost very easily.

5 Tips to Understanding of How Video Conferencing Equipment Works

1. Practice

The only way to get better at anything is by practising. The more practice you do, you gain more skills and your confidence improves. Look at some very successful sportspeople, the only reason they have gone to where they are now is from practising daily.

It’s exactly the same with video conferencing equipment if you have no experience in operating and participating in a video conference, the only way to improve is to practice.  A great way to learn is by visiting the websites of conferencing programs, they commonly offer free trials, which by utilising these trials, you can learn the different tools and features which the program offers.

2. Preparations

In many working environments, it can become challenging to find areas which are best for meetings. If you are able to find an area which is suitable for a meeting, the best method to avoid any disruptions occurring is either by closing the door, or alternatively you communicate with your colleagues either by notifying them you will be in a meeting or by putting up signage in the area of your meeting advising that a meeting is taking place.

3. Don’t Forget To Mute

If you are not speaking, make sure that you “MUTE” your microphone. Be warned, that microphones will magnify any sounds that are picked up when you are not speaking. Some top of the line products have a system installed, it automatically mutes when you are not speaking. Rather be safe and use the Mute function when you are not talking.

Not only beginners have made this error, even the most experienced have done this error.

4. Arrive On Time

It’s crucial that you arrive early for any form of meetings:

  1. Face To Face Meetings
  2. Video Conferencing Meetings

Doing so, you will have enough time to prepare. Professionals recommends for security reasons that each user  joins a meeting 3-5 minutes prior.

Be advised if you arrive late for the meeting, your late arrival won’t go unnoticed, as all users in the meeting will be able to see your late arrival by your logging in status.

5. Focus!

Put yourself in a position where you are having a meeting in the same conference room with others. During the meeting you wouldn’t be multi-tasking, your attention would be on the person talking. Video Conferencing Meetings are the same thing, when you are in attendance you shouldn’t be multitasking (checking emails, work and etc), your focus should be on the video conferencing. You wouldn’t want to miss an important notice.

To prevent yourself “falling for temptation” during a video conference, do the following:

  • Turn your cellphone off
  • Close/Minimize all open windows on your PC
  • Change your instant messages status to “Busy/In A Meeting”

If you are a “newbie” to video conferencing, we highly recommend you follow these 5 simple steps.  If you wish to learn more about video conferencing, visit our blog.